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Italy for Sport – Follow-up mission – Great Sports Events

Logo Olimpiadi RioIt was held in Rome on January 18th , as part of the Project for Italy for Sport, during which they were presented projects that Brazil intends to implement in anticipation of the Great Sporting Events planned between 2014 and 2016, and the opportunities for cooperation and trade for Italian companies.

ICE carries out activities promotion in support of the participation of Italian companies to opportunities business connected with the organization of major sporting events. The project called for Italy Sport was launched in the fall of 2007 to promote the meeting between Italian companies and parties involved in the organization of major international sports events and promote Italian excellence in the wide range of services for sport from the design and construction of the plant, up to the hotel supplies, systems management and security, from clothing to sports equipment.

In preparation the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016, Brazil has plans to invest over 20 billion euros for the modernization of infrastructure in major cities through urban renewal projects such as improving the public transport system and roads, construction of new hotel facilities, the renovation of entire neighborhoods, the restructuring of airports and the construction of high-speed railway lines.

In the context of Italy for Sport ICE has already organized activities promotional opportunity to present the business related to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, the World Cup in South Africa in 2010, degliEuropei Cup 2012 in Poland and Ukraine and winter Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi in Russia.


Brazil-Italy Business Mission “Big Sports Events”

A project developed to promote the participation of Italian companies in the implementation of major infrastructure assets related to sports events, the mission aims to promote industrial and commercial exchanges between enterprises both countries in the areas of infrastructure and construction, construction machinery, transport equipment industrial, sports equipment, equipment for hotels and security.

At the time, Italian and Brazilian entrepreneurs will be able to deal with investment opportunities and key areas of cooperation in various fields, because of major sporting events that take place in Brazil: the World Cup in 2014 and Olympic Games in 2016.

For further info:




Workshop 2012 - Tirana 3 aprile 2012

Workshop 2012 – April 3, 2012

Workshop – framework, opportunities and supplies in the areas of energy, water treatment and solid waste in Albania.





Positive outlook for Italy for photovoltaics is not encouraged during 2014

Italy in 2014 will be a market of 1 GW . This year at least 100 MW of facilities will be built without any kind of incentive and the volume will increase in subsequent years, predicts analyst Ash Sharma interviewed by QualEnergia.it .

A recent estimate on photovoltaics at IHS, a leading consulting firm in the industry, expected at the end of 2018 in the world there will be a capacity of around 400 GW, a conservative estimate compared to others, such as Solarbuzz , which provide about 100 GW more. Qualenergia.it asked some questions about the trends in the world of photovoltaics in Italy and Ash Sharma, Senior Director of Solar Research IHS Technology.

Mr. Sharma, in recent years the forecasts for the PV market, especially when they look at more than two or three years, they have almost always proved wrong by default. What led to the growth of the PV to exceed expectations?

Many countries have introduced generous incentives, and this has driven installations and supply of components for photovoltaic systems. The prices of the systems you are so down considerably in recent years , enabling the development of new markets and fostering a boom in solar installations in existing ones. In many cases, rapid growth in several markets were caused by excessive incentives such as Spain and the Czech Republic, with the next stop of the supply tariffs.



Tag Archive for: insensitive to water membrane